Listing on MSC Malaysia Website

msc malaysia product listing directory

MSC Malaysia Product Listing, as its name tells, its purpose is to connect the Internet community, global business users to the MSC Status Companies’ products and services.   Riding on the MSC Malaysia support facilities and marketing capabilities, we list and… Continue Reading

Business referral incentive scheme

business referrals

Want to help your business friends and yourself via making business referral? Do you have any friends or business associates who are currently looking for: Ticket helpdesk cloud solutions to streamline their internal issue tracking and resolution, or communications with external customers. Live… Continue Reading

Ticket helpdesk with powerful reporting and analytics

real time reporting

Reporting and analytics are crucially important management tools in any business systems.   Given that our clients are using our web solutions to track down numerous customer feedback, inter-departmental or inter-branch business issues, there is always a need to do some… Continue Reading

Ticket helpdesk with FAQ or knowledge base for self service

faq or knowledge base (KB)

In any organizations, new staff or new employees can get on board on any day. It is understood there is always a learning process in which new joiners must go through to get accustomed to the new work environment, company policies,… Continue Reading

Staff collaboration is essential in efficient customer service

staff collaboration, colorful cartoon

Does your current practice allow staff collaboration in replying customers?   Still using email? If your business receives customer feedback by email , and you have only 1 single staff to reply all customer emails, it sounds easy. But what happens when… Continue Reading

duplication vs replication

disc blank media - replication vs duplication

A lot of times customers are not clear about the difference between duplication vs replication. Many of them even think they are the same thing, giving same quality. In fact, they are referring to different processes and so different results on CD and DVD, in… Continue Reading