Ticket helpdesk report PDF samples – Update 1

report sample bar chart

We launch a series of new reports for our ticket helpdesk solutions. Same as previous reports, new reports can anytime be generated with real-time data, right from inside our ticket helpdesk web solution. Available file formats include PDF (document), HTML (web… Continue Reading

Ticket helpdesk report PDF samples

report sample pie chart

Here below are 19 ticket helpdesk report PDF samples for preview. With the helpdesk solution, we provide a built-in report engine which can generate ticket reports with real-time data. Available report file formats are, for instance, PDF (document), HTML (web page)… Continue Reading

Ticket helpdesk with powerful reporting and analytics

real time reporting

Reporting and analytics are crucially important management tools in any business systems.   Given that our clients are using our web solutions to track down numerous customer feedback, inter-departmental or inter-branch business issues, there is always a need to do some… Continue Reading